The first look of ‘Manikarnika’ featuring Kangana Ranaut in the title role is launched by director Krish Jagarlamudi.This is a biopic based on the life of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi and Kangana looks like a warrior in the first look poster. She is seen with a sword and the look is from a war sequence in the movie.
Kangana carries her baby girl although she is in a war and this is a major highlight of the first look.‘Baahubali’ writer Vijayendra Prasad has provided the story and screenplay for this film. Gnana Shekar has handled the cinematography while Shankar Ehsaan Loy are the music composers.
‘Manikarnika’ is releasing on January 25th, 2019 which means director Krish is going to have two big releases in the month of January. The other is ‘NTR’ biopic.