Ram Gopal Varma has unveiled the first look of Lakshmi’s NTR, a film on legendary NTR and his life especially towards his end.
Expounding and elaborating on what the film is going to showcase, RGV revealed, “It’s a love story full of hatred,jealousy,power mongering, backstabbings and above all unbelievable inter relationship conflicts.”
“The film “LAKSHMI’s NTR” will make naked and expose all the real truths behind the true lies of those who punched in his stomach and stabbed his back ..
“LAKSHMI’s NTR” will be the true story of the real actual total truth behind what actually really happened in NTR’s life especially towards the end,” added RGV.
Ram Gopal Varma is planning to release the film by the end of 2018. However, Ramu has kept crucial details – such as who is enacting as NTR and other principal characters – under the wraps. Also, he has rubbished the rumours that JD Chakravarthy would produce the film. RGV didn’t reveal that who is bankrolling this sensational film.