After critically acclaimed Rudhramadevi, Director Gunasekhar is coming up with a high-ticket film Shaakuntalam. The Pan-India film is carrying high expectations as it traces the love story between King Dushyant and Shakunthala. Queen bee Samantha is playing Shankuntala in the much-awaited film. The upcoming film also marks the first Pan-India film for Samantha.
As announced earlier, the makers of Shaakuntalam unveiled the first look of King Dushyant. Malayalam actor Dev Mohan is playing King Dushyant. As a birthday gift, the makers dropped the look and Dev Mohan looks mighty as the Valiant King Dushyant.
Dev Mohan can be seen riding a horse wearing armor and the poster is from a forest background. The poster might be from his introduction scene from the Pan-India film. The poster might also be from the scene where King Dushyant sees Shakuntala and falls in love with her.
King Dushyant is one of the celebrated kings from Hindu epics and the Malayalam actor is playing such a role. Gunasekhar did good homework on the costumes of the King and the armor the horse wears and we can see that. Dev Mohan looks amazing as the mighty king. We have to wait and see how Gunasekhar designed the love track between the mighty king and Shakuntala.
The story of Dushyant and Shakuntala is mentioned in the Hindu epic Mahabharat. He is the ancestor of the Kuru dynasty and his son Bharata ruled the earth and it is said after his name the name Bharat came. When Dushyant goes hunting he sees Shakuntala and falls for her.
After Rudramadevi, Gunasekhar took some time in finalizing his next project. Though Gunasekhar was supposed to do Hiranyakashyap with Rana Daggunati, the project got delayed and Shaakuntalam came to the front. Samantha was roped in to play the leading lady.
Written and directed by Gunasekhar, the mythological film is bankrolled by Neelima Guna under Gunaa Teamworks. The film has an ensemble cast of Dev Mohan, Aditi Balan, Annaya Nagalla, Kabir Duhan Singh, Prakash Raj, Malhottra Shivam, and Madhoo. Allu Arjun’s daughter Allu Arha is making her debut with the Pan-India film.