Victory Venkatesh and Prince Mahesh Babu’s multi-starrer movie ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ movie’s satellite rights were sold out to Rs.8.5 crores long ago. It is an all time record for any tollywood movie so far. Being a multi-starrer film, the movie was offered to that big amount. Some time ago, it was learnt that Young Tiger Jr.NTR’s ‘baadshah’s satellite rights were sold out to a third party for a whopping price of Rs.7.5 crores. If the gossips from inside sources are to be believed, Gemini TV bagged the satellite rights of the movie from the third party by paying Rs.8 crores, an all time second record after, ‘SVSC’!
This big ticket entertainer has saucy seductress Kajal Aggarwal in it. Thaman scored the music of theĀ movie. The movie received U/A certificate from the censor board. Srinu Vaitla directed this movie on Parameswara Art Productions. The movie is gearing up for release on 5th of April.