Manohar Lal Kattar of Bharatiya Janata Party is going to be the new Chief Minister of Haryana after BJP trounced its opponent Congress. 60-yr-old Manohar Lal is the first-timer MLA from Karnal assembly constituency but also an old aide of PM Narendra Modi and former member of RSS for four-long-decades.
Kattar is unanimously elected as the leader of house in Haryana Assembly and he will be the 10th CM of Haryana. Kattar and his team have met Governor of Haryana and Governor invited Manohar Lal to form the government. Manohar Lal is expected to swear-in on October 26 along with his cabinet team.
Manohar has beaten the seniors including Captain Abhimanyu, Ram Bilas Sharma, Anil Vij, Union Minister Rao Inderjit Singh and former MP Chaudhary Birender Singh. Soon after elected as the leader of Haryana Assembly, Manohar said, “I’ll work along with the seniors. Let us open a new chapter that focuses on good governance & development for all.” Manohar is the first non-Jat CM of Haryana in 18 years. He is a Punjabi. First-time MLA becoming CM is rarity. Only very few have achieved this rare feat. And veteran NTR was one among them.