Parallel with its bollywood release, ace film maker Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s latest movie ‘Ram Leela’ released in Andhra Pradesh too, at all A centres and in Hindi version. Let us have a look at the surprise our audiences are getting at theatres with this movie, and after watching Deepika Padukone.
All those Bollywood based entertainment channels have rated ‘Ram Leela’ with five stars out of five, and are in admiration of Deepika. But once if Telugu audience look at the movie, they are confused why the flick and that heroine got such a huge rating. In fact, the storyline of this movie is quite old, rusted, tried and tested in Telugu industry from ages. A girl and boy from enemy groups (like Rayalaseema faction) fall in love, and they sacrifice their love to unite their families and a silly climax is what forms the story line of ‘Ram Leela’. Heroine needs to dance in songs, weep at times, shed tears and finally have some laughs even while crying. We have seen 100s of Telugu flicks with the same line. In that case ‘5 stars’ given for Ram-Leela and Deepika are funny, say many.
Some say that Bhansali’s narration won points, while others add that the lavish and painterly look of the movie scored brownie. Whatever it is, Telugu audiences are saying that first half of this Leela is better, while Deepika and second half are just average.