Tarakaratna from Nandamuri Family has been assaulting Tollywood silver screen with his films in search of hits. However though he tried his luck changing his name to NTR in his previous venture Nandeeswarudu, nothing worked for him.
However he is now coming with many films like Chudalani Cheppalani, Eduruleni Alexander, Vijetha, Nenu Chala Worst, Bhakta Siriyala, Mike Testing 143 and others. It is still surprising how he is getting film offers inspite of his films continuously bombing at box office.
Now he is donning the role of Yama which is immortalised by his grand father and great actor NTR. Many are commenting how he agreed to star opposite such short heroines like Madhavi Latha, Swetha Basu Prasad.
Tarak is on signing spree without thinking of the roles whether it is blind, dumb etc. Many are heard commenting that irrespective of his hits, he is filling his pockets with his remuneration.