For Action, is this oppsite reaction

Reaction of audience towards the first 3D comic film of �Action� is not at all pleasing. Except for some praises on producer cum director Sunkara Anil�s passion for innovative strategy in film making, no where �Action� got a positive report. Especially, length of nearly 160 minutes has become the big set back to test the patience of public. May be well wishers of Anil Sunkara have suggested going for immediate trimming of second half and he agreed.

As per media reports, nearly 15 minutes of second half is curtailed to save the audience. Definitely, this is a positive move and viewers watching this new version might be happier. Anil should have done this much earlier once he watched the final cut because the preview show screened might have got positive reports and thus at least some facing reviews. Let us see, how far this reaction from makers will help the �Action� to sustain at BO.