Yesterday, Bollywood hit machine Salman Khan’s latest film, Bajarangi Bhaijaan was released to sensational blockbuster reports and trade analysts are predicting that the film will collect nothing less than 30-32 crores on its debut day. The film has once again reiterated the fact that Salman Khan is the country’s biggest superstar in terms of box office collections.
Usually, almost all of Salman’s films are high of loud mass masala scenes, pulsating action episodes that even get too monotonous and ridiculous at times. However this time, Bhai’s fans and critics have been talking about the story in Bajarangi Bhaijaan, and a major credit should go to Tollywood’s senior writer, Vijayendra Prasad.
Vijayendra Prasad, who also wrote Baahubali, has also penned the screenplay for Bajarangi Bhaijaan, apart from providing the story. The film is about a deep spirited man’s resilience to accompany a little, mute Pakistani girl to her home. The emotional appeal in the film has wrenched the hearts of Bhai’s fans, who were until now used to hardcore masala movies.