After a gap of nearly 3-4 years, finally, Singer Suchitra, the one who has enthralled Telugu audiences with the song ‘Saar ostara’ (Businessman movie), is back to the media glare. Earlier due to #SuchiLeaks tweets, she got nationwide attention as the tweets from her handle threatened to expose the sexual links between some actors and actresses.
Recently when her sister filed a missing complaint on her, she’s back to the talk, as she says, “I’m not missing, but my sister is cunning”. Saying that her sister wanted her sing badly over a document and hence the drama, Sucharita feigned ignorance about how #SuchiLeaks has happened. She stated that someone intentionally did such things, as she doesn’t know about any video or photos of celebs like Danush, Trisha, Anirudh or anyone as tweets posted on her timeline accused of having illicit relationships.
So where is Suchi all these days? “Firstly the social media scandal affected me big time, and later my divorce from Karthik (comedian/actor) added to it. To beat the depression, I’ve gone to the UK to do a French cooking course and soon I’m starting a Youtube channel ‘Suchi Cooks’ where I teach cooking international dishes in Tamil” she avers.
Apart from #SuchiCooks, Suchitra will be back to singing as well, as she’s readying some singles that will be released soon.