Former Driver In President Race


Myanmar’s National league for democracy party chief Aung San Suu Kyi nominated her driver and friend Htin Kyaw as presidential candidate, as she could not be it for new army constitution rules. According to the rules, She cannot become a leader for marrying a British (read non Burmese) and her kids are British citizens.

Htin Kyaw is close aide of Aung an Suu Kyi, an economics graduates and a writer too. The NLD nominated Htin Kyaw for vice president from lower house and Henry Van Thio from the upper house. Usually both the houses choose between NLD and other party candidates but it is most likely for a candidate from NLD to be chosen for its majority in both houses.

Again, the winner from each will vote to decide the president and a candidate nominated by Military too competes with this vote. Reports say that Htin Kyaw will become the president elected by NLD controlled parliament.

Aung San Suu Kyi wrote a letter to her supporters for not being eligible for president and for not fulfilling the people’s desire.