Media reports of sacked TRS Cabinet Minister Etela Rajender joining the saffron party BJP have been creating a sensation across Telangana. Though there is no official confirmation from either the former Minister or the BJP party, the news is creating a sensation.
Now, former Minister and senior leader from the Telangana wing of Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) Enugala Peddi Reddy has responded to the reports of rebel TRS Legislator donning the BJP shawl.
It has been widely reported that the BJP leader severely opposed the development and questioned how Etela can be welcomed into the party and predicted that his joining will create havoc in the party.
“How can Etela be invited to the party without discussing it with me? Only a section of leaders are in favour of him. Sadly, no one thought of informing me while having talks with him,” he reportedly told the BJP leaders.
It is also said that the former Minister is unable to digest the fact that he was completely sidelined in the entire episode. Besides the leaders here, the Delhi BJP leaders, who came to meet Etela have also didn’t inform him.
We have to wait and see whether the Telangana wing of BJP will consider the former Minister’s issues and have another thought in Etela’s episode.