Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday said that that it was his good fortune to be the first Indian prime minister to be born post-Independence. “It is my good fortune that I’m the first prime minister of India to be born post-1947,” Modi said at a massive gathering of the Indian diaspora at the Allphones Arena.
“We did not get the opportunity to die for the nation or spend our youth in jail. But we can surely live for the nation,” he said. At the gathering, which was attended by over 16,000 members of the Indian Australian community, Modi dedicated the respect and ovation that he was getting in Australia to the Indian people. “This welcome, this respect, this enthusiasm…I dedicate it to the people of India,” he said.
The prime minister lamented that “it took 28 years for (an Indian prime minister) to come here.” The last Indian prime minister to visit Australia was Rajiv Gandhi. “My friends in Australia, I assure you… you won’t have to wait for 28 years,” Modi said. Modi arrived in Australia Nov 14 to attend the G20 summit in Brisbane. He will also address the Australian parliament and visit Melbourne during his stay.