Speaking at a BJP public meeting in Telangana, President Amit Shah said ‘family parties’ lack internal democracy. “Such parties cannot develop the nation or State,” said Shah.Since these remarks were made in Telangana, they might be construed as an attack on the TRS Party which has KCR as CM, KTR as Minister with a hundred portfolios, Harish Rao as Minister and Kavitha as MP.
Unfortunately, KCR’s grandchildren are not eligible or else, they might have been accommodated in the cabinet too. But Amit Shah has cleverly killed four birds with one stone in that his remarks as regards family parties are equally applicable to the Congress, TDP and YSRCP too.
While YS Jagan has taken over the legacy of his late father, Chandrababu Naidu is keen on cementing Lokesh’s place as the undisputed leader of the TDP and future CM.As for the Congress, it has always been dictated to by the Gandhi dynasty but for a brief interlude when PV Narasimha Rao took over and saved the nation.