The much-awaited sequel to the 2018 Telugu spy thriller “Goodachari,” titled “G2,” has officially begun its next filming schedule. The production has set its sights on Bhuj, Gujarat, where lead actors Adivi Sesh and Banita Sandhu will be capturing pivotal scenes for the action-packed film.
This upcoming schedule marks a significant milestone for Banita Sandhu, signifying her debut in Pan-Indian cinema. Having previously garnered recognition in movies like “October,” “Sardar Udham,” and the Tamil film “Adithya Varma,” Sandhu expresses immense enthusiasm about being a part of this high-octane project. Reports suggest that her filming in Bhuj will commence shortly, alongside co-star Adivi Sesh who is expected to join her for this leg of the production.
The on-screen chemistry between Sesh and Sandhu is widely anticipated, with both actors aiming to deliver a thrilling experience for the audience. Sandhu has previously alluded to the unique nature of her role in “G2,” emphasizing that it is unlike anything she has portrayed before.
Adding to the buzz surrounding the film is the presence of the acclaimed actor Emraan Hashmi, who will be playing a pivotal role. “G2” serves as a high-voltage follow-up to the critically acclaimed “Goodachari,” returning to theaters after a six-year hiatus. The production reins are held by TG Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal under the banners of People Media Factory, Abhishek Agarwal Arts, and AK Entertainments. Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi steps behind the camera to helm this highly anticipated sequel.