Director Bobby shared a secret with us visitors in his exclusive chitchat session with Naga Chaitanya on Venky Mama. Music director Thaman got emotional and broke down after watching the second half of the film it seems.
“Thaman gives very genuine feedback and I was tensed when he was watching the film. He said first half was good at the intermission and didn’t say anything and sat there silently after the movie was finished. I was so worried that he would give negative feedback to Suresh Babu garu. But Thaman was actually in tears after the film is complete and I took him to Suresh to show his reaction to him,” Bobby told to Chaitanya.
Bobby also wants to make his own love story into a film and Chaitanya has encouraged him to do that soon.
Chay also is willing to play the lead role in Bobby’s love story. Watch full interview by clicking the video link for more interesting news from Behind the sets of Venky Mama.