Basking in the glory of his latest hit “Bharat Anu Nenu”, Superstar Mahesh will be soon moving to his next after taking a short vacation. And this new film will be his 25th movie, which will be directed by Vamsi Paidipally and produced by Dil Raju, Ashwini Dutt together.
A little birdie tells us that Vamsi’s film will showcase Mahesh in a different mass avatar that he hasn’t done to date. Actually, the story will have two heroes and it will be a travel and self-discovery kind of concept like we’ve seen in “Gamyam”. And now, Mahesh will be wearing the sleeve of Naresh’s Gaali Seenu kind of character while Allari Naresh will be doing the role of rich-kid like Sharawanand in this film. That’s quite interesting.
Earlier Mahesh has done some films on self-discovery including that of Khaleja and Bhramotsavam, but the films lacked mass appeal with philosophy dominating the whole scenario. This time we hear that the focus will be on the mass elements though the whole story is getting shot in the USA.
Even NRIs are eagerly waiting for this film’s shooting to start as they could get an opportunity to catch Mahesh Babu at work in their country, that is the USA. Let’s see how the Superstar rocks in Gaali Seenu like character.