Anisha Ambrose, who grabbed the chance of her life by bagging heroine role in Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film Gabbar Singh 2, has done a cameo appearance in Gopala Gopala. She did the character of the TV host who interviews Venkatesh in a key scene.
Anisha Ambrose made her debut with Alias Janaki starring Venkat Rahul, who also belongs to Mega Family. Despite getting favorable reviews for her performance and looks in Alias Janaki, Anisha didn’t get any offers in Tollywood.
However, luck suddenly knocked at her door at the highest level and gave her an opportunity to romance the Power Star. Anisha’s role in Gopala Gopala doesn’t have any importance. Any actress could have done that character.
However Anisha showed her gratitude towards Pawan Kalyan by accepting a very tiny role. Now Pawan fans who didn’t even know about Alias Janaki can have a peek at the heroine of Powerstar’s next film.