When Gabbar Singh 2 was announced, it was greeted with a lot of joy by fans. Since the original was a big hit, naturally, the expectations on the sequel are sky high. But news on the fate of the project is hard to come by as there are no official announcements from the makers which naturally results in all kinds of rumors.
It was through rumors that Sampath Nandi walking out of the project first surfaced. The rumor turned out to be true. Now there are rumors that even director Bobby who has taken over from Sampath Nandi might leave the project. Industry sources close to Pawan Kalyan are miffed at these rumors appearing in the media.
“What is the need to publish rumors? Why can’t you publish straight news?” they complained. Normally, any movie unit gives regular updates to the public on the progress of their film and ensures that the publicity is well timed to the point of release of the film.
In the case of Gabbar Singh 2, there is hardly any information made available. Pawan Kalyan does not even answer the call of his director. But when rumors of Gabbar Singh 2 appear in the media, leaks are carefully orchestrated. They maintain such secrecy and then wonder why people gossip!