With all his strategies to corner his arch rival and Andhra Pradesh’s CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu failing show any impact, YSRCP’s President YS Jagan kick-started yet another desperate campaign in the form of ‘Gadapa Gadapaki’.Through ‘Gadapa Gadapaki’, Jagan and his party leaders planned to step in each threshold in Andhra Pradesh propagate Chandrababu’s failures as a CM and make people aware of the scams committed by Babu & Co.
However, Jagan’s ambitious ‘Gadapa Gadapaki’ has turned out to be an utter flop show by Jagan & Co. The program was launched on July 8 on the occasion of YSR birth anniversary.On the first day, several YSRCP leaders visited a few households and distributed pamphlets featuring 100 points that explains Babu’s election promises and his failures keeping his promises. Since then, the YSRCP leaders took a break and handed over the baton to their cadres to continue ‘Gadapa Gadapaki’.
These cadres are lazing around and have already given up visiting each household and thus Jagan’s ambitious program ended up as a flop venture by his own party members.