The trailer of the upcoming Pan India anthology ‘Gamanam’ is launched by the superstars of different regional film Industries like Telugu- Pawan Kalyan, Malayalam- Fahaadh Faasil, Kannada-Shiva Rajkumar, Hindi-Sonu Sood and Tamil-Jayam Ravi.
All the stars have appreciated the unique anthology directed by Sujana Rao. The dialogues penned by Ace Writer Burra Sai Madhav show the real life hardships. The film stands tall in the portrayal of real life characters at their best and the beauty of the film lies when all the characters come together at a standstill point!
The trailer showcased the life of a poor and mute wife in Shriya Saran waiting for husband to return for her from Dubai and the struggles of a budding Cricketer in Shiva Kandukuri and his love story with Priyanka Jawalkar that only discourages the protagonist to be low and aim low in life.
The Nithyamenon story is another ensemble and the floods episode connects to the recent havoc we faced in Hyderabad. All together the film aims to be a content backed blockbuster for the movie lovers across the Nation.
The film Gamanam is produced by Ramesh Karutoori, Venky Pushadapu and Gnanashekar VS. The visuals of Cinematographer Gnanashekar VS are next level and keeps you indulged in the screen!