Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who is serving his five-year sentence in an arms case related to the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, will walk out of jail on February 27 as a free man. The actor will be released from Yerwada jail in Pune prior to his official release. According to reports, the actor’s sentence has been cut short on the grounds of good behaviour. The 56-year-old will be released few days ahead of the official end of his prison term. On Tuesday, the minister of state home cleared the proposal to give the actor the benefits of remittance for good conduct.
Minister for State (Home) Ranjit Patil signed the file allowing Dutt’s release, without penalising him for reporting late from his furlough in January 2015. Dutt was sentenced to five-year imprisonment after he was convicted for possessing an illegal weapon, part of the cache meant to be used during the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts in which 257 people were killed. Dutt had spent 18 months in jail in 1996 after his arrest.
In May 2013, the actor surrendered after the Supreme Court upheld his conviction and sentence. The actor has since then been lodged in the Yerwada Central prison at Pune. After he was sent to Yerwada in May 2013, Dutt had been out on furlough number of times. In October 2013, he was out on furlough for 14 days, which was extended by a fortnight. In January 2014, a 30-day parole was extended by another 30 days. In December 2014, he was granted a 14-day furlough. He was recently out on 30-day furlough for her daughter’s nose surgery. The actor is now completing the remaining prison term of 42 months.