Strange are some of the rumours in web media. One of them read Allu scion Sirish’s debut film ‘Gouravam’ will not be releasing in Telugu. They went on to say Sirish’s performance is too bad and Allu Aravind had decided to stall the movie release to save the face of his son. But now the fact is the movie shooting is complete except for some patch work. Currently, the path work is being done in Hyderabad Sirish had also completed the dubbing part. The movie is being directed by Radha Mohan and produced by Prakash Raj. Yami Gautam is staring opposite Sirish. This film is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil.
Sirish’s father Allu Aravind will be releasing the movie in Andhra Pradesh. April 12th is reportedly locked as the release date of the movie. Story was written by B.V.S.Raju. Soundtrack was composed by Thaman.