Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 150th film, Gautamiputra Satakarani has three songs ready. Devi Sri Prasad finished the recording of the three songs in the film. The musician had taken utmost care on the film songs as the movie is the first historical film in Devi Sri Prasad’s career.
Gautamiputra Satakarani began the Georgia schedule from today. A massive war sequence which comes in climax of the film is being canned in this schedule where Satavahana soldiers will fight with Greeks. These hefty battle episodes are to be canned in scenic locations of Mount Kazbeg in Georgia, very close to Russia border. 1000 soldiers, 300 horses and 20 chariots are being used for this shoot.
This is the second foreign schedule of the film after its first schedule in Morocco. The makers are shooting non-stop for the film so as to make sure the movie releases on January 12th, 2017 release as Sankranthi Special. The recently released first look poster of the film is greeted to good response and increased hype on the film.