After making her Tollywood debut with Chor Bazaar, Gehna Sippy is set to feature in another Telugu film, Galodu, directed by Rajasekar Reddy Pulicharla. “It’s a breezy entertainer; I play a posh college going girl who bumps into Sudigali Sudheer (protagonist). He is a tapori and from a village. How our love blossoms and the turns it takes motivated me to do the film,” says the actress.
Gehna adds that the film focuses on modern-day relationships and the challenges a couple face during their journey. “Our approach to the film was pragmatic; we showcased the fights, romantic vibes, upsets, and everything that takes place between partners,” she explains.
The director asked Gehna to just be herself for the part, and she said she improvised a lot on the sets. “It feels great to be doing something (acting) which you dreamt of as a child. I am grateful for the opportunities,” she said.
Born and raised in Mumbai, Gehna worked in ad commercials and was also a trained Kathak and Kuchipudi dancer. “I used to teach dance; acting and dance were something I always loved since childhood,” she says. “I believe dance gives me an edge when it comes to expressions and movement. My experience in dance is coming in handy in films,” she smiles.