Young Tiger NTR stunned everyone by making it to the Top 10 Oscars prediction list according to ‘Variety’ magazine. This prestigious list includes top Hollywood actors like Will Smith, Colin Farrel, Mehdi Bajestani, Edin Dambrine, Brendan Freser, Bill Nighy, Hugh Jackman, Cooper Raiff, Austin Butler and others. For the first time ever, an Indian actor has found his name in the Top 10 list in the Oscars predictions for 2023.
Now, NTR is all set to give an interview in Los Angeles for ‘Variety’ magazine’s senior editor Clayton Davis. They met recently and the interview will be out in the next few weeks. The video of them meeting up has gone viral on social media.
Apart from the Oscars, the movie got UK’s BAFTA nominations and Rajamouli won the New York Film Critics Circle award in the Best Director category. It won awards for the Best Foreign Language Film, Best Cinematography and Best Score/Soundtrack in the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle. The team is going to attend the Golden Globe Awards as well.
NTR was seen as Komaram Bheem while Ram Charan plays the role of Alluri Seetha Ramaraju in this massive film which is set in the backdrop of the pre-Independence era. Apart from a few noted Hollywood actors, ‘RRR’ has actors like Shriya Saran, Rajeev Kanakala, Samuthirakani and others did key roles. ‘RRR’ is produced by DVV Danayya on a budget of over 400 crores. The lead actors delivered spectacular performances and MM Keeravani is the music composer who is one of the main pillars in the film’s success.