Pretty Actress Samantha is on a high with the recent success of S/O Satyamurthy. With this movie, Samantha becomes only heroine to have six Million dollar films in Overseas. Attarintiki Daredi, Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, S/O Satyamurthy, Manam, Eega, Dookudu are the 6 films. However the actress had paused her Telugu commitments for a while and is concentrating on her Tamil career. She had few Tamil films in her kitty.
Samantha is currently in Nepal shooting for Vikram’s ‘10 Enradhukulla’ for a short schedule. Speaking to the media at the success meet of S/O Satyamurthy, Samantha said that she will be performing several hardcore action sequences on her own in ’10 Enradhukulla’.
Samantha should be appreciated for the extensive promotion she offered for Son of Satyamurthy. She says that Trivikram is her Guru and dedicating time for S/O Satyamurthy is a sort of Guru Dakshina for Trivikram.