Telangana Bill passed in Lok Sabha yesterday has not been tabled in Rajya Sabha today. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Sushil Kumar Shinde, Jairam Ramesh and Ahmed Patel met opposition leaders Arun Jaitley and Venkaiah Naidu today to see that Bill is passed in Rajya Sabha safely.
BJP leaders demanded the grant of Rs.10, 000 crores each year for construction of new capital city in Seemandhra which Manmohan Singh has rejected. In adjustement, Congress President Sonia Gandhi has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to grant special category status to Seemandhra for a period of 5 years. Seems like BJP is delivering the promises made to Seemandhra people by arm twisting Congress at the final hour.
Telangana Bill is set for placing in Rajya Sabha tomorrow at 12PM. Congress have to cross all BJP barriers to get the Bill approved by voice vote else situations may turn tougher.