The prestigious Madame Tussauds will unveil legendary actress of India, late Sridevi’s wax statue tomorrow in Singapore and daughter, Janhvi Kapoor has flown to inaugurate her mother’s statue. The paparazzi have clicked some candid pictures of gorgeous Jahnvi at the airport today morning while heading to Singapore.
The announcement on Sridevi’s wax statue has been made by Madame Tussauds on her birth anniversary i.e, on August 13th. However, the date of unveiling is scheduled for tomorrow. On this, Boney Kapoor said that it is an emotional moment for the whole family. Yesterday, both Boney Kapoor and younger daughter Khushi left for Singapore. On the other hand, Jahnvi who left today to attend the ceremony wore a causal ripped jeans and her airport fashion has always been on point. With a simple and elegant loon, she also smiled patiently to the shutterbugs.
One more good news for all Sridevi fans is that the unveiling moment will be live-streamed on the Instagram handle of Madame Tussauds Singapore. ‘I am touched that Madame Tussauds is honouring my wife, Sridevi Kapoor, and her work by having her figure immortalised,’ Boney said. This moment is indeed special for all us as Madame Tussauds is preserving Sridevi’s legacy forever.
Sridevi lives forever in not just our hearts but also in the hearts of millions of her fans. Eagerly waiting to watch the unveiling of her figure at Madam Tussauds, Singapore on September 4, 2019. #SrideviLivesForever
— Boney Kapoor (@BoneyKapoor) September 3, 2019