Soon after coming to know the untimely death of his elder son-business man Nandamuri Janaki Ram, actor-politician Nandamuri Hari Krishna reportedly fallen down. His first reaction is said to be, “God cheated me. He took away my son.”
Hari Krishna apparently wakes up daily at 3 AM and offers prayers to all Gods and Goddesses after his bathe praying for the well-being of his kids Janaki Ram, Kalyan Ram, Jr NTR, daughter Suhasini and his grand kids. Hari Krishna’s wife also said to be in deep shock and unable to recover from the irreparable loss as the couple lost their first son Janaki Ram in a fatal road accident.
Janaki Ram’s wife is said to be not yet informed about the tragic news. She was told that her husband Janaki Ram met with an accident and was undergoing “surgery”. Her first reaction, “I can’t see him. I’m afraid to see him.” Everyone around her are going through anxious moments as how to convey the tragic news to her. Janaki Ram is survived by two children and wife.