Actress Neetu Chandra, who is best remembered for her cute character in Sekhar Kammula’s “Godavari”, has slammed young Bollywood hero Siddarth Malhotra for allegedly making fun of her mother tongue, Bhojpuri.
She vent out her anger against the hero with a tweet. Sharing a video clip of Malhotra from the Bigg Boss Hindi house where he allegedly made fun of Bhojpuri language, Neetu said that he should be ashamed of himself for making such derogatory comments against one of the most spoken languages in India.
“Shocked! How on earth does speaking Bhojpuri gives you a latrine feeling. Shame on you,” Neetu wrote in a direct tweet to Siddarth.
The young hero, who made an appearance in the Bigg Boss house to promote his upcoming film, “Aiyaary”, hasn’t yet responded to Neetu’s public outburst.