Good news for hard-core mega fans. Stylish Star Allu Arjun and ‘Mega Power Star’ Ram Charan’s latest offing Yevadu which set new records (highest first week openings in Charan’s career ) is all set to be dubbed into Malayalam. Featuring Kajal Aggarwal, Shruti Haasan and Amy Jackson in female leads, the action entertainer is titled as Bhayya.
Given that Allu Arjun has strong foothold, humongous fan base in Mallu land, the movie is expected to have good openings there. Already, the positive hit talk in Tollywood has made Malayalam distributors go gaga over the film.
We hear that the dubbing work is done and is going to have Censor in couple of days. The movie is due for release on January 31. Charan is hoping that Malayalam version of Yevadu will create new horizons for him.