Legendary actor, later CM of Andhra Pradesh NTR is hailed as Viswa Vikhyata Natasarva Bhowma. People of Andhra and Telangana hail him as the person who bought recognition to Telugu people at Delhi and across India. Recently demand for Bharat Ratna for NTR grew and many thought that AP Govt headed by TDP chief Chandra Babu will recommend NTR’s name for the award. With TDP leaders demanding the same many thought it will be a mere formality.
But recently some union ministry sources reported that NTR name was not recommended by TDP. Many got shocked after hearing the news.Even the TDP leaders are wondering why the Chandrababu government did not recommend the name of the party founder for the highest civilian honour in the country.
This caused furore among NTR fans and doubts have been raised on Chandrababu.Seems Naidu realized this soon.State cabinet which has met today unanimously passed the resolution on NTR’S Bharata Ratna. The TDP cabinet has passed an unanimous resolution requesting the Centre to confer Bharat Ratna on former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and TD founder president late N.T. Rama Rao.
The resolution was passed by TD chief N. Chandrababu Naidu and supported by the ministers unanimously.The cabinet also passed a resolution demanding construction of a memorial of former Prime Minister late PV Narasimha Rao in New Delhi. They welcomed the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States of America and passed a resolution in this regard. This was certainly a good news for all telugu’s and a fitting reply for all those who suspects Babu’s credibility.