Everybody is aware how much craze Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister and Telugu Desam Party president N Chandrababu Naidu has towards publicity. It has been proved time and again and sometimes, this overzealouness backfires, but Naidu doesn’t learn lessons. The other day, Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella visited the residence of Naidu and had one-on-one meeting with him.
The publicity managers immediately swung into action and issued a media statement explaining how Satya Nadella was floored by the hospitality of Naidu at the break-fast meeting, what kind of dishes he was served and how Naidu’s grandson Devaansh entertained him etc. In the same breath, the media statement said Nadella had made an announcement that Microsoft would be setting up a huge campus in Visakhapatnam very soon.
It was also leaked to the media that the Visakhapatnam campus would be much bigger than that in Hyderabad, which is the second largest campus of Microsoft after US. Even as the electronic media started scrolling the news of Microsoft campus in Visakhapatnam, there came a revised press release from Naidu’s publicity wing.
It had all the details of the original press note, except the sentence on Vizag campus. It said Naidu had requested Nadella to set up Microsoft campus in Visakhapatnam. So, it was not the Microsoft decision, but only Naidu’s request. Yet, the TDP chief sought to gain publicity even for a couple of hours!