According to latest reports, Pawan Kalyan-Venkatesh starrer Gopal Gopala would be hitting the screens on January 9 contrary to previous release date of January 14. With the reports of Shankar’s I postponing the film to Jan 14, producers Suresh Babu and Sharath Marar are planning to advance the release of the film in order to avoid the clash with magnum opus I.
Considering that both are big-budget flicks with great expectations, producers don’t want to have any untoward competition between both the flicks. Although nothing has been confirmed so far, it’s reliably learnt that Suresh Babu wants to advance film’s release.
Meanwhile, a section of film industry feels that Jan 9 is highly difficult to make it as it’s very short time and makers are yet to release the film’s music and hardly promoted it so far. Since Pawan himself is a big buzz and no need to promote it aggressively, Suresh Babu is toying with the idea of advancing film’s release. Let’s wait and see.