Couple of days after the Pawan Kalyan and Venkatesh starrer “Gopala Gopala†released in theatres, Hyderabad based lawyer Raghunath Rao lodged a petition in High Court seeking a ban on movie’s screening. He accused that the movie is hurting the sentiments of Hindus, and denigrating Hindu spiritual leaders and Godmen.
What has High Court to say about this? As Raghunatha Rao hasn’t included the producer and director of the movie as the opponents who should face the action and respond about the petition, High Court judges felt that they cannot grant any order.
Also the petitioner mentioned in his complaint that “Gopala Gopala†should be re-certified by the Central Censor Board and then released. In this connection, Raghunatha Rao sought permission from court to file a fresh petition, for which the court has given nod.
On the contrary, cine observers questioned what the use of such petitions is when audiences loved the film to the core. “Gopala Gopala collected more than 42 crores share at box office. That itself is a proof that audience loved the flick. And the movie will be out of theatres soonâ€, quipped an observer. True indeed!!