Though he comes from a filmy background, Gopichand can be considered a self-made actor in Telugu Film Industry. He is the son of one progressive thinking film maker T. Krishna who made revolutionary films which won him a lot of acclaim in the industry. But he met an untimely death at the age of 36 when Gopi was very young.
Now he sees his father in his newborn baby, his son. Gopichand believes that his father has been reborn as his son. One day he wants to act in a film with social message like a film his illustrious father used to make and this film would be a tribute to his father. When he was very young, Gopi was scared of him and didn’t know much of him.
As T.Krishna passed away very young, much of what Gopichand knows about his father is from his father’s friends who reminisce anecdotes of his life and also from watching his father’s films again and again and feel proud of the kind of the films he made and undersanding what a brilliant actor and film maker he had been. T.Krishna gave movies like ‘Vandemaataram’, ‘Pratighatana’, ‘Repati Pourulu’ etc which exclusively had social message embedded in a powerful way.