Veteran actor Srihari worked hard and climbed each step and he emerged as one of the top actors of Telugu cinema. On the flipside, the actor is known for his humanitarian works and he spent huge amounts of money for the poor.
The actor passed away four years ago and his wife Disco Santhi has been left shattered after the disaster. During her interaction with a tv channel, Santhi revealed that she has been addicted to alcohol after her husband’s death.
She said “I was left in shock with the sudden demise of Srihari. I was addicted to alcohol but I soon realized that the future of my sons is in danger. It was then I concentrated on their careers. My elder son completed his studies and my younger son is still studying. I am continuing all the charity activities started by Srihari. All the activities on Akshara Foundation are continuing. I am living for my children reminding about the memories of my beloved husband”.