The director’s hero is none other than Ulaga Nayagan Kamal Haassan while the hero’s director is the maverick ManiRatnam. Yes Kamal is going to direct ManiRatnam’s son Nandan launching him through a Hollywood movie. Nandan son of ManiRatnam and Suhasini Mani Ratnam is going to debut as hero. Suhasini initially wanted her son to be a politician and serve the people. But in order to get the fame in public, cinema industry is the best platform, she gave a thought. Nandan is no one till now and has no reputation in public so far. Kamal is going to concentrate on this lad after his heavy project Vishwaroopam. Nandan might have learnt that Kamal Hassan is his grandfather as he is uncle to his mother Suhasini. Even there are good relations between Kamal and Maniratnam. That is why Mani wanted his son to be launched by the hands of god of acting. Complete details are yet to be out.