Mahesh Babu’s 1 is going to strike the screens on January 10. There will be few other films to compete with 1 for Pongal, but good news is Rajinikanth’s Vikrama Simha is out of Pongal race now. This film will only make it to theaters by summer as per Kollywood media buzz. There is still lot of fine tuning required for this India’s first motion capture film.
When news came out about Vikrama Simha joining the Pongal race, few Mahesh fans worried as Rajanikanth’s film is sure going to affect anybody’s movie to some extent. Mahesh’s previous clash with Rajani happened during Robo and Khaleja ended up as a disaster. Although 1 is riding on high expectations, clash of the titans is not called for at this moment.
With Vikrama Simha staying out of competition, 1 is going to be the most awaited film for Pongal. Even if Yevadu joins the Pongal race, Mahesh’s 1 buzz will be more for sure. As of now only 1 and Heart Attack films are confirmed for Pongal release.