Ground Level Corruption A Big Threat to Jagan

The YSRCP government is continuously claiming that it is providing transparent and corrupt-free governance. It took some bold decision like having a judicial body in tenders over Rs 100 crore and others. By doing so the government wanted to checkmate corruption at higher level and there came few reports that after Jagan taking CM chair, the corruption did reduce.

But what about the corruption at ground level? A shocking incident came into the light and this is worrisome for Jagan’s government.

In order to make its welfare schemes more reachable to the common man, YSRCP government relied on village volunteers with village secretariat system that it introduced recently. However, the volunteers are indulging in irregularities.

Going into details, a few village volunteers collected ‘Dasara’ bribe from pension holders. This happened in SC wada of Bandar mandal in Krishna district and from each beneficiary, village volunteers took Rs 50 to grant the pension. A few beneficiaries who refused to pay bribe to the volunteers complained to the higher authorities.

Learning about this, Bandar MPDO ordered for a probe and the report claimed that village volunteers demanded money from pension holders. Suspending those who is involved, MPDO also asked Tahsildhar to take action on VRA who let go the village volunteers even after receiving the complaints.

CM YS Jagan has banked heavily on village volunteers for his welfare schemes to penetrate more. But in just two months, the corruption in this system uncovered itself and the YSRCP government definitely needs to do something here.