As many as 12 Telugu producers’ offices have been inspected by the IT sleuths on Wednesday, just a day after the conclusion of Sankranthi festival (Kanuma). Apparently, the inspection was to check the TDS records and to find out whether all are in place or not. Apparently, the inspection is in connection with the newly implemented Goods and Service Tax (GST).
Producers Dil Raju, Suresh Babu, Radha Krishna aka Chinna Babu, Sharrath Marar, C Kalyan, DVV Danayya, Anand Prasad and a few more names are said to be in the list. Mainly the offices of Sri Venkateswara Creations (SVC), Suresh Productions, Haarika & Hassine Creations, Northstar Entertainment, CK Entertainments, DVV Entertainments LLP, Bhavya Creations were among the offices that were inspected.
The inspection was conducted on all their offices at once. However, the raids were not in connection with Income Tax but all of them are related to GST & TDS.More details are yet to be known.