Lakshmi Manchu’s Telugu romantic-drama “Gundello Godari”, a love story set against the Godavari 1986 floods, has raked good opening in its opening weekend worldwide. Despite the poor talk of the movie, the movie garnered good collection due to Siva Ratri and the labour holiday that followed on Monday
Starring Aadhi Pinisetty, Lakshmi Manchu, Tapsee Pannu and Sundeep Kishan, the film is directed by debutant Kumar Nagendra. It also features Ravi Babu, Suja Varunee, Jeeva, Annapurna and Mumaith Khan. The film has music by maestro Illayaraja and cinematography by M.R Palanikumar. The Tamil dubbed version of the film titled “Maranthen Mannithen” is slated to release March 23.