The makers of Guntur Talkies have announced that their film will be releasing on 4th March. The competition on that day intensified with four notable releases coming out on that day. Nara Rohit’s Tuntari, Manchu Manoj’s Shourya and Naga Shourya’s Kalyana Vaibhogame are the remaining releases. Guntur Talkies recently completed its censor activities and received ‘A’ certificate.
National Award winner Praveen Sattaru had directed the film. Guntur Talkies is said to be a confusion comedy on the lines of Singeetam Srinivasa Rao’s Michael Madana Kamaraju starring Kamal Haasan. Shradda Das is playing a radical role in the movie and Mahesh Manjrekar will be seen as a baddie. Both of them even dubbed their roles with their own voice.
A first time for both of them. The director describes it as film like Ishqiya meets Delhi Belly focusing on two characters Hari, a 25-year-old Casanova played by Sidhu and Giri, a man in his late 40s, deserted by his wife and left to handle two little children.