For the last few months, there has been much speculation that badminton player Jwala Gutta may start her acting career in Tollywood. In fact, it is now turning true with the badminton player appearing in a special song in Nithin’s Gunde Jaari Gallanthayindhe. This song alone is not keeping her in News but also her new found relationship with Model cum hero Harshavardhan Rane who acted in Telugu movies like ‘Takita Takita’ and ‘Avunu’.
Jwala whenever she went to open a shopping mall, she has been taking Rane along with her and Rane is also found attending all the audio functions and sitting next to Jwala. Both are also seen holding hands in public functions in all the places. However Rane confirmed that both are good friends when the time comes he would reveal everything. Lets see where this relation goes!