In an interesting development, BJP spokesperson and Rajya Sabha member, G V L Narasimha Rao, invited TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu to think of merging TDP with the BJP.
Brushing aside alliance proposals with the TDP, the BJP MP said that they were not prepared to accept any sort of alliance with Chandrababu Naidu. However, he said he would take up the issue with the BJP high command only if Naidu wanted to merge his party with BJP.
GVL made these comments during meet the press programme held in Vijayawada this morning.
The BJP MP was also critical of the TDP leaders joining the BJP. He said there would be of no use if leaders from a defeated party join the BJP. He further said that BJP was not looking for more leaders from TDP, but want to strengthen the party on its own.
The defeated leaders are not going to bring success to the BJP, he said, hinting at Y S Chowdary and others.
He also said that the BJP was not willing to give any excuse to the bank defaulters just because they joined the party and Y S Chowdary should clear all his dues with the banks.
It looked like there is some difference between the original BJP leaders who have come from the RSS background and those BJP leaders who have joined the party recently from other parties.
While Y S Chowdary is beating the drum for Chandrababu Naidu, the BJP MP (GVL) made several sarcastic comments against Naidu and Chowdary duo.
GVL had also made hard hitting comments against Chandrababu Naidu on Polavaram and Amaravati projects.
He wondered why Naidu did not provide accounts for the Central money given to the State on these two projects in the last five years.