Giving a Friday shock to Modi-Shah combine, the Congress-JD(S) combine in Karnataka has won the Trust Vote easily. This is a big setback to BJP as it poured cold water on the remaining hopes that it had to grab the power in Southern state. BJP somewhere still had some hope that the alliance of JD(S)-Congress would get cracks while distribution of power. Banking on it, BJP’s candidate had even filed nomination for Speaker who later withdrawn fearing defeat. Soon after JD(S)-Congress won the Floor Test by achieving the magic figure, BJP MLAs staged walkout.
Earlier speaking in the Assembly, two-day CM Yeddyurappa has ‘targeted’ Congress leader and former minister DK Shivakumar and ‘rued’ over him saying he was “responsible for all” indicating at his loss of power. Angry Yeddyurappa cursed Shivakumar that he would get for what he did.
Meanwhile, Shivakumar is sulking against his party that he was not “rewarded” well. Shivakumar played crucial role in keeping the flock intact avoiding horse-trading/poaching from BJP that lacked required numbers.