It’s been a year Shruti Haasan has had a release on big screen. Her last release in South is Katamarayudu. She didn’t have any release after. While there were also speculations about her relationship with London-based theatre artiste Michael Corsale, there is a big break career-wise. However, after a long gap, she is back. Shruti recently walked the ramp for a popular Fashion Week in Mumbai where she has revealed her plans and reasoned for the long break.
According to Shruti Haasan, it’s conscious decision to take a year-long break to reassess herself. Meanwhile, Shruti is now working for a Hindi as well as a Tamil movie and is foraying into production in a partnership with her mother Sarika. Apart from this, Shruti is also keen to getting back into music full time.”I am producing films and getting back into music full time. So, I needed to step back and kind of reorganize things. I believe it is important for an artiste to take some time off to be with themselves,” Shruti shared her plans.
“I have been in films, but I always feel like an outsider. I think that’s my strength and my weakness. But I like to keep it to myself and do my job. I am not someone to look back and think about it,” Shruti said.So, many are wondering what Shruti has up her sleeve. By stating that she is getting back to music full time and also into production, does she mean she is quitting acting? Certainly, it will be a shocking news for all her fans in South.