‘Sarrainodu’ released with huge expectations as it brings the combination of Allu Arjun and Director Boyapati Srinivas. The movie hit screens all over world and the movie had premiere shows in overseas. But it had a distastrous start and the word of mouth is also not good.With bad word of mouth and negative critics, the movie is going to have a disastrous time in future.
The same happened earlier for ‘Bruce Lee’ and ‘Sardaar’. Now fans of Mega heroes comment that Rakul Preet as ‘Iron Leg’ and they are harassing her.Now as she is going to pair with Ramcharan once again for ‘Dhruva’, they are scared that once again the movie will tank at Box-office. ‘Dhruva’ is an official remake of Tamil movie ‘Thanioruvan’.
Social media is flooding with messages against Rakul Preet and the actress is just tight lipped as always. Mega heroes also never went in support of Rakul Preet. It’s time you shift your base Rakul !