Former TDP Rajya Sabha MP and son of the legendary actor-politician NT Ramarao, Hari Krishna has fired on the complacency and negligence of the state’s leaders who vowed to get the special status to Andhra Pradesh.Launching a full on attack after paying homage to his father NT Ramarao on his 94th birth anniversary, Hari Krishna wondered where have all the state’s leaders disappeared to over the special status issue while those who promised the special status at the centre are blatantly backstabbing the state.
Hari Krishna went on to call for a revolution from Nandamuri fans and every Telugu person to achieve the special status and pay tribute to NT Ramarao. The senior leader also said that at least one person from each Telugu household should come out and fight for special status.
Talking about his absence from the ongoing TDP Mahanadu, Hari Krishna said that paying homage to his father on his birth anniversary is more important to him than attending Mahanadu and also said that NT Ramarao will forever continue to reside in the hearts of all Telugus.